Sunday, November 30, 2008
So I usually don't do this...... BUT .....
You can check out her blog and video series at
*Warning, these videos are extremely funny and may cause you to laugh uncontrollably.
* Also they do have ADULT LANGUAGE so be warned in case children are in the room....
If Hitler Gave Me a Wax Job
Help, I Need a Pony
I just had to share as they made me laugh!!!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
BLAH!!!!! It's Sunday
Well after reporting how wonderfully the puppy is doing yesterday and how he had NO accidents in the house... what's he do??? HE SHIT ON THE FLOOR! And this time the wife was home and I made her deal with it.... I was so mad... I started yelling at him and telling him how I just reported to my blog community how good he was doing... and to top it all off.... (the reason I know he pooped) I STEPPED RIGHT IN IT! Oh yea turned around and plop gross poop all over the bottom of my foot! OMG! So I will not be raving on him anytime soon! But one good thing is I taught him how to stay and high five yesterday. wooohooo go me!!! I teach him the tricks and the wife can teach him to either go in the toilet or outside...but no more on the floors for goodness sake!
As requested by Mrs.4444 here are some pics of the babies.....

Here is my baby Duke... he seriously loves my pillow and I just could not resist taking this picture.. but I have to be really sneaky when doing so around him... he likes to take off at the first sign that the camera is coming his way :) So adorable!
Duke and Daisy curled up on the end of the couch together as our day was winding down and the wife and I were curled up on the other end... This is actually how they sleep together in their crate as well... And their crate is like a mini friggin hotel!!! (no wonder we have no room in our living room anymore)
So those are posting updates on the babies of the house. Aren't they just prescious!!!??? Let's see what else to write about... hmmmmm AHHHHH Nope nothing coming to me just yet... OHHHHHH WAIT something hilarious happened to me yesterday... I was reading and commenting on blogs like I try to do everyday to pass a few hours of the day and came accross a Christmas MEME... So I'm reading and thinking to myself OMG! So I just had to comment... It goes a little something like this :
These are her questions and my answers that I posted on her blog! You can read her blog at : her name is Georgie and she is just a doll and I love reading her blog... but yesterday when I was going thru all the million blogs I follow I have to say that I couldn't resist being my ol' scroogy self... So here are the questions and MY anwers to them... by the way I got threatned in an email that she sent me on how she was coming to tie me up with tinsel and make me be jolly and wear a santa hat... ha fat chance love... lol I told you I would fight you to the death! lol
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?Prefer the bags.... but I always get stuck wrapping
2. Real tree or Artificial?Neither! I hate holidays and refuse to decorate. :)
3. When do you put up the tree? take the tree down?Neither... lol see #2
4. Do you like eggnog?I can honestly say that I have NEVER tried it
5. Favorite gift received as a child? Kids are supposed to have a christmas... crap..calling mom and yelling at her right now!
6. Hardest person to buy for? Well usually I don't buy gifts since I really don't have a family to buy for... but this year the wifes family will be on the list and the hardest to buy for!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? See #2
8. Mail or email Christmas cards? Email! lol Defiantly cheaper
9. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? are supposed to get gifts??? Crap! I was jipped as a kid!
10. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story of course!
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I try to never shop! lol and if i do it is always the day before... yes i brave it and go out on christmas eve!
12. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nah....
13. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Food!!!!
14. Lights on the tree? No tree...therefore no lights
15. Favorite Christmas song? Grandma got ran over by a raindeer... oh is that not a christmas song??? Then ummm silent night
16. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home... but i fear that i will have to go to the in laws this year
17. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes becuz you just listed them for me... :)
18. Angel on the tree top or a star? Niether... no tree in my home
19. Open the presents Christmas eve or Christmas day? Christmas day i guess... hmmm how is this supposed to work again??? We get gifts??? man this sucks! lol
20. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Everything!
21. Favorite ornament theme or color? None
22. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Food
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? To be left alone...but that won't happen! lol
My confession for today:I really looked back on this comment and realized how much of a scrooge I am!! lol I love it!
Yea I got an email almost immedatley from her that went a little something like this....
From: Georgie
To: Sabrae
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 6:57:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Decisionally Challenged] New comment on Christmas MeMe.
Okay dammit sabrae I am coming up there/down there/over there and wrappin you in tinsel and a santa hat-we will hang miseltoe and be JOLLLLLY!
I really hope you find a new found love for the holiday with your wife's famn damily OR better yet start your own traditions....your killin me here with all the scroogness!!! LOL
Huggers Sabrae
Thanks for playin I LOVED your confession....dont forget the confessional booth will be open Dec 5th
Ha ha.....
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The dogs were actually really really good yesterday and I am happy to report as well that Clyde (our new addition) had NO accidents in the house! Mainly becuz I didn't give him the chance to. The minute that dog even sturred from his slumber I swooped him up and took his butt outside!! And I think I spent almost every hour on the hour out side....And well it's really cold here in Ohio... so I think my feet got frostbite in the process... but they are back to normal so far :) Now all we have to do is keep him from chewing on EVERYTHING and we have a perfect dog! lol Yea that's a work in progress yet!
So who are my little psycho's that went out shopping on Black Friday yesterday?? Did you get trampled? Are you still alive out there??? I'm glad that you all have the balls to go out on a nutty day! HA! I stayed in doors where it was safe. I was doing some of my daily readings this morning about the maddness that is Black Friday and did you know that in Long Island NY that a man died?? Yes he was trampled to death! True story! So for all you nut jobs out there that braved the day and didn't get into any fist fights or die from being trampled... kudos to you! You have less fear than me! I actually had friends call me and want me to go out shopping with them! HA!!! They might never call me again becuz I hung up on their crazy asses! I will do all of my shopping online! Beat that! lol More deals and it's delieverd to my door! All we have to do is wrap and deliever to the lucky few that will get gifts this year! WHEW!!! What a load off! I mean is it really worth it to crawl out of bed at like 2am to go stand in the cold just to be the first one to pounce on the poor people who have to open the doors to you at 4am? I know if I worked in one of those stores my ass would have called off! lol Probably would have gotten fired... but still would have called off! I tend to have little to no patience when it comes to crazy lunatics in stores. :)
Well not to much else to report yet!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Only one more day to get free shipping and 20% off your order at Gold Canyon! Use code "NOV35" at check out!!! Email me with any questions!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy day! I'm alone :(

Well happy turkey day to all of you!!! I for one am home alone. The wife volunteered to work and I am anxiously awaiting the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade to start today! That is about the highlight of my holiday celebration on Thanksgiving! Now Christmas is a entirely different matter all together! I like to watch A Christmas Story and the Grinch (no not the grinch that has Jim Carey in it either)
Well I'm happy to report that I survived the holiday at the wife's aunts house last night. It was pretty uneventful for us. I sat in the corner like I always do and barely talked. Her family tends to just weird me out. Not becuz they are mean or anything... But being gay and all and they are just all good christian people.... Yea it gets a little strange!
Well not to much to report on my end... Like I stated... just watching a House marathon and and waiting for the parade!!! Have a fun turkey day and don't eat to much! Oh yea... we didn't even have turkey... we had HAM!!! That is just unheard of on Thanksgiving!! You need turkey to celebrate properly!!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Free shipping and 20% off use code "NOV35" at check out!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Holidays and such!!
Me and the holidays are not on the greatest of terms... I don't like holidays. Never have. To me it is just another day like all the other days out there! I do know for a fact that I will be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade as it is one of my traditions! :) But that is about all I do on the Thanksgiving holiday.
What about you? What do you all do on Thanksgiving???
I really liked all the comments regarding the tatoo's and piercings! How fun was that to get up close and personal like that to me!? lol
Well not to much to blog about. I'm already a nut case and it's only 11:37am! The dogs have managed to shit all over their cage. I had to wake the wife up on her only day off to help me get them all bathed and their cage cleaned... She is now in the bathroom which is right next to the computer and I can hear her singing and blow drying the dog off!! To funny! And hell yes I woke her up to help! lol I don't do the dogs baths!!! I refuse! I get to impatient when they try to run from me! Makes me just want to throw them! lol So needless to say she handles that end of the deal! No I am not a mean person and I don't beat my babies! LOL!!! I just dont have the patience to deal with most things! Bathing is one of those things!
Well it's time to sign off as the dogs are now running around the house trying to kill eachother and we have some getting ready to do ourselves!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Up close and a little to personal!
*Don't worry.... none of the piercings that are in private parts of my body are shown!!!
So I was asked how many piercings I actually have yesterday by LLCoolJoe.... well in all I have 32 piercings!! LOL Before you go running and screaming and thinking that I am some freak of nature hear me out..... yes I have 32 piercings... BUT NO I do not look funky at all when I wear them! I do not however wear them all all the time. I only wear about 7 or 8 of them at all times becuz well frankly they are the hardest to take out and I don't want to hassle with it! :)
Also I have 5 tatoo's in which I will show you pictures of those to!!!
*Mind you before I took any pictures of myself at all this morning I took a long shower becuz even though you can't see me in person you are seeing parts of my body up close and personal! lol And I don't like the outside world seeing me unless I am all dolled up! lol So here come the pictures!!!
Here are the piercings :
This is my left ear. As you can see in this picture I only have two in. Normally there are 10 in this ear.
This is my right ear! Normally there are also 10 that go into this ear! But these two are a pain in the butt to take in and out! lol Do you see the above picture^^^ Well that long piercing at the top, Well I have two of those that are supposed to go into this ear as well!!! :)
This is my favorite piercing of all time! :) And the very last one that I actually had done. I got it done last year! This is called a Monroe piercing... Not really sure why they call it that... No it did not hurt to get done but it did leave me looking like I got a fat lip for about a week :)
Ok so this is a little up close and personal to my mouth I know! lol Don't mind the fillings...But yes that is a tounge ring on the top.... That one is clearly shown in my default picture and on my post from yesterday so I didn't feel a need to take another picture of it :) But that other one is yes one UNDER my tounge :) LOL!!! I know now that you are thinking that I really am a freak!!! lol But I love them all!!!
I have others that are not in this morning and NO I was not going to put them all in and show them off.... to much of a hassel and it would have taken like an hour to do so. And well some of them are placed in areas that I can't exactly show on here anyway! :)
Now on to the tatoos!!!!! :) This is above the left boob... on the chest to be exact... Not sure what I was thinking when I got this done..... hmmmmmmm I actually do not remember when and where this was done or who did it..... Do you see the <--------black underneath???? Well that is cover up! LOL That use to be the word BITCH in very bold letters. Funny thing is can't remember who did the tatoo either... Glad those drunken nights are behind me! :)
Left shoulder balde. Second tatoo I ever had done! I was 18!!! But my very first tatoo is of course the one that I am most proud of! :) That is next!!!!!!
I had a very very hard time getting a picture of this... I am home alone so it's not like I could as the dogs to snap the picture for me!!! lol But from what you can see it is a heart with a rose going down thru the middle of it with some tribal design around it. Later in life (like when I loose 20 more pounds) I want to add on to it and have it reach all the way around to my belly button :)
This is the only tatoo on my body that has nothing to do with hearts! lol This is pedro pablo the lizard! :) This little bad boy took a year to finish. Talk about some endearing pain!!! OMG! He is placed on my right hip! And no at the time I could not bring myself to get him finished... But then one time about a year after he was started I broke my foot and wanted something to keep my mind off of it so I went and got him finished :)
And last but not least this is on my right forearm. Not sure really why I got it there... But I did :)
So that is my tatoo's and piercing's up close and very personal! Hope you enjoyed!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Free shipping and 20% off until November 30th! Plus 40% off any order of $49 or more before shipping and handling!!!! Rush and get those holiday orders in!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Free shipping AND 20% off!

Don’t stand in long lines at the stores—get all of your Christmas shopping done now with Gold Canyon and get FREE Shipping plus 20% off your entire online order! No minimum purchase required. Save on holiday décor and candles like the Jolly Snowman Pod Warmer and the Gingerbread Lane holder. All products are on sale. Stock up on your favorites and choose from over 100 fragrances.Enter promotion code NOV35. Offer expires 11/30/08.
Your Demonstrator
Sabrae Carter
Introducing ME!
This is me and the wife back a year later at the club where she asked me to be hers for like the millionth time and I finally said yes October 22nd 2007! :) Yes this was taken October 22nd 2008. She is the one in the white hat... I'm the one on the right that doesn't take picutres very well! :)

Well if you want to see more of me please feel free to ad me to myspace if you have one! :) At least I think that is the right URL!!!!! lol!!! Well its off to get the wife up for work and get around! More to come later I'm sure! :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Well it's sunday!
Here is the wall..... (well part of it anyway)
I personally think that any color is better than the ALL white sanitarium look that we had once before!
I am proud to report that the wife has fianlly gotten her X-box live up and running and the kids (dogs) are running around the house literally trying to kill eachother! Oh they are so cute when they are asleep I tell you!
Here is the newest picture of Clyde (our new puppy) He is getting so big!!! And the more he is learning to GO TO THE BATHROOM OUTSIDE the more I love him! :)
Also here is a picture of the wife and Duke (my cuddle baby) They were pretty lazy last night! Duke is the kind of dog that HAS to be by your face so you can give him kisses! He will not lick you. But you must kiss him! LOL! He is such a doll!
And last but not least here is what happened in Ohio thuraday night!!!! Have I ever mentioned that I just hate the snow???
Well yes this is a picture taken from the car! lol we were out driving in it! The wife wanted her router for the x-box so we risked our lives on the snow covered road to go to walmart to go get it! :) Well the dog is peeing in the house and I have instant messages popping up on the screen so I have to go attend to the clean up and talking to people! Chat again soon! If you all have YIM please feel free to ad me! :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Friday, November 21, 2008
I feel so lost!
What to write about!!! Well....hmmm While I was reading the blogs that I read daily I had all kinds of things going thru my head about what to write about and all the things that have and have not and could have gone on in my life... Did that make any sense???
Well needless to say I did NOT get much sleep last night. We went to bed around 2:30am. I got woken up by the stupid puppy whining to go out to potty (and I say that in the most loving way I know how at 4am) So now I am awake pondering what the hell to do this early in the morning! The wife is off work today through sunday so I know we won't be doing much in the way of anything! She will expect me to plant my ass on the couch next to her all weekend and watch tv! Yup that is what we do! Oh the married life! LOL! But I'm not complaning! Really I'm not !!! LOL
Good news is I have two new team members with Gold Canyon!!! They were smart enough to hop on board while the sign up is half off this month and they get their website and e newsletter free for 90 days! I must say I am jelous! I signed up in October and only get the damn thing free for 30 days! What the hell is that!? But oh well I am looking forward to training them and watching them grow very successful like I have!! In two days alone I have made $123.25 right from the comfort of my p.j.'s and my desk!! Most people do home parties and I would LOVE to do one myself, but just don't know anyone willing to hold one! LOL!
Got the wife her christmas present early this year... I got her a subscription to X-box live! OMG!!! If I would have known what a pain in the ass hooking it up was going to be I would have said fuck it and forget it! So last night... We get our activation code. Cool... we knew we would have to go get a Ethernet Cable...ok so we got the damn thing... Came home and tried to hook it up only to friggin realize that we have to go get a Router!!! Ok so its back to Walmart to get a stupid friggin router! We come BACK home (mind you it started snowing between our walmart trips!) only to keep getting error messages. So we call the 24/7 call center to figure this damn thing out. Only to get redirected to friggin INDIA!!! We could barley understand the man!! All I know is he was seriously hitting on me the WHOLE time I was on the phone! So we get the router all hooked up and working properly... hang up with the man in India only to find that now when the wife wakes up she is going to have to call the X-box company becuz she can't get the x-box live to work!!! OMG!
Then sometime in between trying to hook all this up my oldest dog (not the puppy mind you) Duke peed all over my favorite blanket!!! He so knows better and got his nose rubbed in it! So I probably also couldn't sleep due to the fact that I couldn't cuddle up to the blanket!!! Oh stop laughing at me!! Yes I am 25 years old and have a blankie!!! LOL!!!
The puppy over the past few days has been nothing like he usually is. He is getting on my nerves! I am so not patient enough for this crap..... accidents left and right ALL OVER THE HOUSE! I thought he was potty trained already! dang!! becuz the week before he was letting us know that he had to go outside!! I think he has this conspiracy against me or something... he does this to me when the wife is at work.... I swear he is the best dog ever when she is home!!! On a brighter note though I take all the credit for teaching him to sit and shake!!! haha beat that woman!! God I hope she doesn't read this! lol But seriously... I worked with him for a few hours and he got it pretty quick! I was so proud I had to brag... haha I got the dog to sit and shake!! lol Of course at first when she came home he WOULD NOT DO IT! But knew that I wouldn't let him outside to pee (i think he was turning yellow) until he proved to his other mommy that I was right!!! lol And I won!!! Well not to much left to rave about ... my week hasn't been all that intersting! It is snowing in Ohio and that just sucks big donkey butt and the holidays are around the corner and that just sucks big donkey butt to!! And I have been talked into going to the wife's aunts house! O joy of my soul!! I will post more about me and holidays later!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Two post!!!
So the first contest is the GUESSING GAME!!!
Rules :
1) In the comments place a number of how many candy corn you think are in the empty glass candle
2) Email me privately at sabrae_carter@ with your Name, address, and email info so that I can put you in my customer database with Gold Canyon and you can recieve wonderful updates via email!!!
3) One guess per person!!!
Here is the candy corn jar!!!
So all you have to do is guess and email me! Winner will recieve one package of tealights (their choice of scent) and this jar filled with candy corn!!!! I am poor so bear with me! lol Tealights from Gold Canyon is all I can afford right now!! lol
2nd CONTEST!!! This is a referrel (sp) contest!!!
Rules :
1) Post the candy corn contest on your blog (let me know if you do this so I can go check it out)
2) Then direct them to my blog and have them place their guesses in the comments and email me just like the rules state in the above contest! But also make sure that they tell me they came to me via YOU!!!
3)The person with the most referrels to my blog wins!
Winner will recieve a package of car fresheners from GOLD CANYON!!! (winners choice of scent!)
Happy guessings!!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Monday, November 17, 2008
So I have called T-Mobile to find out what the stupid situation is... I thought it was just my phone being gay...but it turns out it isn't and its a error in their system and all the phones are having trouble with the internet connects and it should "be up and running as quickly as possible!" Yea right.... like what a month from now? Stupid stupid phone companies!!! I swear if my cell wasn't my friggin life line I would toss it out the window driving down the highway doing a 100mph!!! But I love my ONLY connection to the outside world when the wife isn't home... so I couldn't possibly handle doing that!!!! I would gooooo nuts!!
Today was pretty uneventful for me .... I actually got to sleep in past 5am becuz the wife is off work today and tomorrow. Got up around ohhhh ummmm 9:30. Yes for me that is way to late to sleep in! Answered all 145 emails. Should have posted my blog then... but just didn't feel like it. So I am doing it now at 10pm. Went to Wally world to do our shopping for the week. Went to the Dr. appointment. And came home and made a pizza for lunch and sat around for the rest of the day doing much of nothing...
Now at 10pm I am actually drinking a bit for the first time in for like ever. :) Decided I needed a drink or 5. :) Well its off for the night!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So you aren't still sure of what to get?
Baby Girl Bundle
There will be dresses and ribbons and hair to curl, so join in the celebration of their new baby girl! Color of duck rattle may vary. 1 - 16 oz. Baby Powder, 1 - Clean Sheets votive, 1 - Straight Candle Glass - Item #96574
Baby Boy Bundle
He's got ten little fingers and ten little toes, rosy cheeks and a cute button nose. Help the new family celebrate the joy of their new baby boy! Color of duck rattle may vary. 1 - 16 oz. Baby Powder, 1 - Clean Sheets Votive, 1 - Straight Candle Glass - Item #96577
EMERGE Give Yourself A Hand
The softest hands emerge from this gift of Hand Scrub and Hand Silk. Includes a pink mesh and satin cosmetic bag with a manicure kit. 1 - 9 oz. Grains of Truth Hand Scrub, 1 - 2 oz. Raise Your Hand Silk, 1 - Manicure Kit, 1 - Small Pink Cosmetic Bag - Item #96578
EMERGE Bare Necessities
Give the gift of pampering with these nourishing and renewing body care products. 1- 5 oz. Start Clean Body Lather, 1 - 5 oz. Ready to Shine Body Polish, 1 - 5 oz. Out on a Limb Body Lotion, 1 - EMERGE Bath Loofah, 1 - Large Pink Cosmetic Bag - Item #96579
Birthday Wishes
Pay tribute to the guest of honor with this party-worthy group of fragrances. 1 - 5 oz. Birthday Cake, 1 - Ginger Lime votive, 1- Pomegranate votive, 1- Fresh Orange votive, 1 - Straight Candle Glass - Item #96581
Sparks of Inspirations
Bring the gift of inspiration to a friend in need. 1 - 18 oz. Citrus Cream, 1 - Fruit Fusion votive, 1 - Greenhouse Medley votive, 1 - Tranquil Mist votive, 1 - Straight Candle Glass - Item #96582
Caffe Velluto Double Shot
A coffee lovers must-have gift, this set includes the new Caffe Velluto Caramel Macchiato coffee drink fragrance available exclusively in this Gift giving set. 1 - 17 oz. Caramel Macchiato, 1 - Caffe Velluto Wick Dipper - Item #96585
Winter Wonder - Toffee Drizzled Popcorn
Give the gift of that warm fuzzy feeling with this decorative felt keepsake box embellished with a knit scarf. 1 - 5 oz. Toffee Drizzled Popcorn, 1 - Snowflake Wick Dipper - Item #96586
Winter Cheer - Holiday Wreath
Give the gift of cheer this winter with this decorative felt keepsake box embellished with a knit scarf. 1 - 16 oz. Holiday Wreath, 1 - Snowflake Wick Dipper - Item #96587
Winter Wonder - Cozy Christmas
Give the gift of that warm fuzzy feeling with this decorative felt keepsake box embellished with a knit scarf. 1 - 5 oz. Cozy Christmas, 1 - Snowflake Wick Dipper - Item #96588
These can make wonderful christmas gifts for just about anyone on that list of yours!!! Check out the website and start your holiday shopping today! We also have wonderful little things that would make great stocking stuffers!!! Everything from auto freshners, sachets, book marks, and room sprays! Very affordable and all smelling heavenly!!!
Singing off,
Sabrae Carter
Saturday, November 15, 2008
It's happening again!! NEWS STORY

Thomas Beatie, the controversial "pregnant man" who gave birth to a daughter earlier this year, reveals to Barbara Walters in an exclusive interview that he is pregnant again with his second child.
'Pregnant Man' Thomas Beatie discusses gender roles, public perception.More Photos
Thomas Beatie, a transgender, welcomed a baby girl, Susan, June 29. Since sharing the story of Susan's birth with ABC News, he and his wife, Nancy Beatie, hadn't spoken to the media until they sat down last month with Walters.
Thomas Beatie, who is in his first trimester, tells Walters he did not go back on the male hormone testosterone after Susan's birth so he could have another baby.
"I feel good," he said. "I had my checkups with my hormone level, as far as the HCG. And everything is right on track." He says the baby is due June 12.
Thomas Beatie also spoke to Walters about Susan's birth, which was not via Caesarean section. He was in labor for 40 hours; Nancy Beatie cut the umbilical cord.
'We're Just a Family'
In the spring, Thomas Beatie wrote an article in the national gay magazine The Advocate, revealing that he was legally male and that he was pregnant. He released a photo showing his bearded face and pregnant belly. The news -- and the controversial photo -- ignited a media frenzy and provoked questions about traditional notions about sex and gender.
WATCH: 'Pregnant Man': Fighting Stereotypes
WATCH: Journey of a Pregnant Man
PHOTOS: At Home With the Pregnant Man
"Hiding a pregnant man is like hiding an 800-pound gorilla," he said of his decision to go public. "Nancy and I wanted to tell our story from our own mouths before it got out."
Thomas Beatie says he was surprised at how quickly the news of the "pregnant man" spread.
"I was shocked that it looped around the world in 24 hours," he told Walters. "I mean, it was on Chinese Web sites and, you know, Web sites in Romania and Russia and Brazil."
He became an instant target of the tabloids and paparazzi, and fodder for talk shows and late-night television. Some people called Thomas Beatie a freak. He received death threats, and thousands of hateful comments still litter the Internet. To this day, he continues to receive anonymous hate messages.
Since Susan's birth four months ago, Thomas Beatie, 34, and his wife, Nancy Beatie, 46, have been living a quiet life in Bend, Ore., and have rarely been seen in public, keeping their blinds drawn and monitoring surveillance cameras that surround their property.
Despite concerns for his family's safety, Thomas Beatie says that he won't let fear rule their lives and that he feels they are a traditional family.
"We are a man, woman and child. It's ironic that we are so different but yet, we're just a family, just the same as anyone else," he said.
When asked why he makes many people uneasy, Thomas Beatie said, "I think that people are not used to seeing the image of a pregnant man. And it's causing a lot of people to think. … I used my female reproductive organs to become a father."
Pregnant Man, Pregnant Again 20/20, View, Barbara Walters
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thank goodness I walked away from the trainwreck that WAS my marriage and Thank goodness its NOT me! While I do feel bad for the ex-hubbys (still legally married) new gf. I have decided that this is NOT my problem and I will not let it bother me. Yup.... I am moving on...
But the first few hours after finding out I was shocked and dismayed. I mean the whole time that he and I were together (mind you we have been married 2 years, but we split up 6months into it!) he adamently swore that he wouldn't stand for having any more kids. And I ended up pregnant twice!!!! Unfortunantly suffering miscarriages both times. (that is another story. don't feel bad for me) I talked to his new gf yesterday. She informed me that neither one of them is working at all. He expects ME to pay for the whole divorce. And that she will be fine but that she is scared. I let her know that there are other options out there. She got kinda huffy and defensive (which is to be expected) And she wouldn't hear of any of it. So being as nice as I could be I got kinda mean with her and laid it on the line.
Our conversation kinda went as follows :
Me: How does Larry feel about you being prego?
Her : I guess he is happy about it
Me: You guess? You know he is going to do the same thing to you that he did to Kristina and me right?
Her : (in denial) Oh no he won't
Me : How are you going to support a child when you can't even take care of yourself with no job and no high school education?
Her : I have options out there that will help. And my family will be there for me
Me : Oh so you will go on welfare and just sit back while us hard working citizens pay for you to be a lazy ass?
Her : (no answer)
Me : I have to go. You are being so fucking stupid if you think that he is really going to be there for you when he isn't there for his other one!
Hangs up phone!
Sorry if that sounded harsh....but I just had to be honest with her!
But enough about that! I'm happy and he can't drag me down any longer!!! YAY!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh man..... CRAP
As most if not all of you know, I am gay. I am happy with Amy. But what most people don't know is I use to be with men. More importantly I married one. Still legally married actually. Yes I know... SHOCKER. We have been married for two years now. But been split up for a very very LONG time. I don't love him. I tolerate him becuz we are still legally married and that is the extent of it. What the news is.....
He has this girlfriend. I actually like this girlfriend. She is a sweetheart. When the soon to be ex-huby and I were together she was dating his best friend. Not sure how the soon to be ex hubby ended up with her.... but I know she can do sooooooo much better. I mean he has a kid he doesn't pay child support for as it is. He has NO job. He got fired for failing a drug test. He is literally going no where with his life. (I know... what the hell was I doing with him? Don't ask!) And I hate to see her wasting her life on him! But that isn't the SHOCKING news I woke up to. His new girlfriend and I chat on myspace. We keep in touch. So anyway.... You are probably wanting to know what the news is huh?????????????????
Well she informs me via email that she is PREGNANT!!!! Of course I had to read the message like 5 times before it registered! I was so shocked! I can't believe that she would waste her life with him let alone get PREGNANT! Well I emailed her back ASAP and told her how fucking stupid she is for getting pregnant and by him of all people! She is only 19! He is going to dump her ass. He did it to his first baby momma.
See the soon to be ex hubby is like this....... He doesn't mind having a girlfriend when it is winter out. He is weird like that. During the fall and winter seasons he likes to be settled down. But as soon as summer times hits he is gone. He runs around never comes home and is with a different girl every night. She really is going to end up raising this baby on her own. Of course I will be there for her no matter what. I mean actually this will be my step child since I am married to him still.
So that is my news for the day.. What a way to wake up right? It's not that I care who he is with... What I care about is this poor unborn child and his/her momma. She really is to young to be going thru this... and with him of all people!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Holiday shopping just got really easy for you!
Are you having trouble shopping for someone this year? If yes then you have opened the right blog becuz I have a solution for you!!! Have you ever checked out Gold Canyon? Gold Canyon is amazing and truly is the worlds finest in candles, bath and body, and even home decor and Home cleaning! Just check this out! You can check out my website and order right from there at
For the ladies in your life try Emerge!!!! Emerge was designed by women for women!! EMERGE was created to give every woman a daily renewal opportunity. Featuring eight botanical-based body care products, EMERGE provides energy for the body, focus for the mind and balance for the spirit. So that you can EMERGE, healthy and whole, confident and prepared to be your best.
Tired of cleaning your house with harsh Chemicals? Try our Homeology line of cleaning products! Featuring only naturally occurring ingredients such as coconut-based cleansers, purified water and essential oils, Homeology combines the benefits of Aromatherapy with the effectiveness of nature’s best cleansers.
We also have wonderful candles that will fill your home with the rich aroma of just about anything!!! Want your home to smell like a wonderful bakery? Try our baking line of candles!!! Love the smell of coffee brewing but don't like to drink the stuff??? That is fine to.... Just check out our Caffe Velluto line!!! The possibilites are endless with Gold Canyon!!!
And best of all it is super affordable!!! We also have a gift giving line that will come with a cute box!!! Check it out today and stop fretting about what to get when it is all at your finger tips!!!
Sabrae Carter
Gold Canyon Demonstrator
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Very Powerful meaasage!!!
Just watch! I thought he was seriously going to cry!
So finally.............
So I do have some updated pictures of the new addition to our family. He is getting better about his potty training. But got into trouble earlier today for walking up to me and biting my leg. And no this was not a playful bite! He seriously just walked up to me and bit me!!!!! I was mad! LOL And while I was in the middle of putting some clothes away. It kinda hurt!
This is the wife and Clyde. This puppy is her baby I swear!
This is one of my mini pinschers. This is Daisy! :) Isn't she just a doll!? Look at that little pink dress!

This is my baby Duke! :) This is seriously what he LOVES to do! He curls up under our covers lays down on my pillow and passes out! Of course here he is wide awake becuz he is very aware of when my camera strikes! lol
Well that is all of my babies for now :) Are they not just adorable!?
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Monday, November 10, 2008
A little romp in the hay???
I don't know what really to post this morning. This weekend didn't provide any interesting bloggin material. The wife and I proved to be pure lazy! Saturday got up late (after my nap) and we didn't do much of anything. It really was a weekend of pure laziness, rest, and recooperation !!!!! Ahhhh I feel refreshed!
So while I have your attention I want to ask if there is anyone out there who would like to be on my mailing list (email and home) for Gold Canyon and Tupperware? If so feel free to email me your email addresses and home addresses. Email me at sabrae_carter @ and I will get you all set up! You can't go wrong being on my mailing lists for these wonderful companies :)
I am really wanting to build my customer base with Gold Canyon and Tupperware.
So tell me how your weekend went and what went on! I am off to read thru the blog posts that I missed out on! So its off to do comments :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Where oh where did it go....
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Friday, November 7, 2008
Too funny, So I had to repost!
Milwaukee teen survives being compacted in garbage truck
MILWAUKEE — A Milwaukee teen survived after he was accidentally dumped into the back of a recycling truck and compacted.
Police say the 14-year-old boy ran away from a boot camp-style school for teens Monday and hid among cardboard in a large recycling bin.A Waste Management truck arrived and picked up the bin with its mechanical arms, dumping the contents into its rear compactor.Waste Management spokeswoman Lynn Morgan says the truck continued on its collection route, compacting cardboard several times.The boy was semiconscious when he was finally spotted after the truck dumped its load at a recycling processing center in suburban Germantown. He was taken to Children’s Hospital in nearby Wauwatosa. Police say the boy’s injuries aren’t life-threatening.
Mind you I am in no way making fun of the situation or the kid... but I did have to laugh just a little after reading this! Well its off for me now. I am supposed to be in bed and it is 3am. I have to get up way early (6:30am) and go to an appointment that I just really do not want to go to!!!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Prop 8 passed and that pisses me off
I guess I am just confused as to why our country is so damn scared of us gay people getting married? Why shouldn't we be afforded the same rights as everyone else? I mean think this... even if you are against same sex marriage, if something (God forbid) happens to my wife where does that leave me? I have NO say and no rights to anything after she passes on. I could be banned from being with her in the hospital, I could be out on the streets, I couldn't take care of anything. And that saddens me. I would want her to be my descision maker if something should happen to me. But we don't have that right becuz we can't marry. And that is sad! This country was founded on the basis of ALL CREATED EQUAL! UGH!!!!! Sorry I am ending my soapbox now. Just remember though, I am for gay marriage and I love my wife dearly. (though leagally she isn't my wife) I hope that some day it can be passed that I can be afforded the same rights as everyone else.
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
What bloggin does for me :)
My days usually are filled with posting ads about my companies, chatting in chat rooms to promote my companies, having fun chatting in my Yahoo Groups and posting ads in them to promote my companies. So basically I promote my companies from sun up to sun down. That is what I do. The wife works odd days (15 days a month) and so I am left here, alone, bored, and find myself talking to the dogs alot. Which, no, they do not talk back. The wife works 12 hour shifts. And thank goodness this is her short week. Which means that she works Wednesday and Thursday only this week but goes back Monday. So this weekend we plan on finally finishing painting the house, taking the dogs to the dog park, and doing some much needed house cleaning.
But as for my blogging. I love it! And I am soooo glad that I started it and met some really wonderful new friends here in the blogging world! :) It's been great reading new posts everyday and searching out new people. I just love it. It is my release for a hour or so a day (or night). I find myself usually doing the blog thing like I am now in the middle of the night when I can't see to find any peace to sleep. (It's 2am here in ohio right now)
Sometimes in the middle of the night when there is nothing to blog about I find myself in my kitchen doing dishes or house cleaning if it needs done becuz during the day it is just to hard to pry myself from the computer :)
I have also found from my own blog and reading others that it is a nice way to just rant and rave about anything and everything. Which I know I have done on a few occassions and will probably do again sometime soon :)
Well not to much to post about right now..... Just wanted to say a few words before I find something to do with myself :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Hump Day

Where has it all gone? LOL Not really to sure here! Yesterday was filled with being in the car all day going to the wife's doctor appointment. We found out that she is going to have to have surgery on January 5th to rebuild her ear drum. Which isn't that bad. There is a bunch of the ear that they are not going to be able to repair. But thank goodness that it is only the right one and not both! So yesterday she was all nervous and now I know just visiting the doctor is nothing compared to how she is going to be on Jan. 5th! So pray for my sanity between now and then. She is going to be a wreck til it's done and over with :)
Not to much to report at this point in time. I really need to go back to sleep and sleep off the rest of the two sleeping pills that I took last night! Yes I had to take two of the little blue friends last night just to fall asleep! And it is now almost 7am and I can tell that they are nowhere close to being worn off! :)
Signing off for now,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
You can vote however you like! To Cute must see!
I saw this video at and could not help but just smile at these kids!!!
Signing off,
The MeMe game
The rules:
1- Link to the person who tagged you
2- Post the rules on your blog
3- Write 6 random things about yourself
4- Tag 6 more people
5- Let the taggees know they have been tagged
6- Let your tagger know when you have completed your meme
So here are 6 random things that most people do not know about me... (hang on you may be here a while.....)
1) I have one brown eye and one green eye.
*You would never know it looking at me from a distance. But it's true. I had a freak accident when I was a fresman in high school that left me with two different colored eyes :)
2) I have naturally red hair.
* I dye it so that NO ONE knows :)
3) I am ambidextrous.
* I can write with both hands just fine :)
4) Even though I am scared of water I always wanted to swim with sharks.
*I think it would be amazing if I could get in a cage and be up close and personal with a shark!
5) I absoultly HATE holidays!
* Personally I think it stems from growing up with out parents... but I have never been to fond of hoildays and usually spend them alone at home watching tv! lol
6) My favorite movie of all time is Forrest Gump
*I can never watch it to many times! I just love this movie!!! When I had the movie that was made for VCR I had to buy it like 4 times becuz I watched it so much that I would ruin the copies! :) I now have it on DVD!
Ok ... So there was 6 random things about me.... Did I frighten you?? LOL I hope not! Now I have to tag 6 Others to play along!!! Lets see.. Who's it going to be??? Will it be you??? Maybe... Maybe not... hmmmmm Ok
Tagged are as follows...
1) Blogging Momma :
There you go!!! I did my tag!!! Now it is your turn to do yours :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Back to my old self
We have to be up at 8:30am showered dressed and out the door becuz we have a long day ahead of us. The wife has a consultation in Beachwood, Ohio at 1:45 tomorrow to schedule surgery on her poor ears... The woman is def I tell you! She has to have both ear drums replaced soon. She is 45% def. So we have to go find out when she is getting cut open.. Which means tomorrow will be spent qualming her fears of the upcoming surgery and every day thereafter til it is all done. The poor wife hates the doctors offices and everything associated with them. Bless her heart. I on the other hand could care less. I have been in and out of Doctor offices my whole life with my diabetes. So it's nothing to me.
So tomorrow will be another long long day. Funny thing is today was long... but we got NOTHING accomplished. I know we left the house once today to do something... and the sad thing is I honestly can't remember what we did...... let me think for a second... Oh yeah... duh... we had to go to her work.... forgot all about that!! lol How do you forget something like that you ask?? Well when I figure that answer out I will surely let you know. It seriously took me like 10 minutes to remember... Crap I'm only 25 and getting alzheimers already... Need to have that checked out! We were supposed to start the process of painting the bedroom and bathroom today (only two rooms left in this tiny ass apartment) but never got around to it... instead it was t.v. watching and naping all day.. For which I was grateful to sleep off the rest of my little blue friends... but then the napping left me wired and that is why I am now up, making no sense and waiting for the new little blue friends to kick in. We are going to meet the wifes mom tomorrow morning for breakfast before the Doctor visit becuz the wife is spoiled... must be nice I guess. And since she is spolied she is having her mom take us to the appointment. Fun Fun..... Don't get me wrong.. I love her mom. But I am so use to doing things on my own that it perplexes me sometimes... hmmmmmmmm maybe I need therapy to deal with my issues?? Will have to look into that to in the future. Well I think that the little blue friends are finally starting to kick in as I am yawning and the screen is looking double to me... So its off to bed... more nonsense tomorrow all!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter