Its NEW YEARS EVE! What are you all going to be doing???

Well here is hoping that you all have a

Oh yea it snowed like friggin crazy here in Ohio. Errrrrrr
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
The wife and I hanging out on mommas COMFY couch...
And this is the wonderful Clyde in all his glory. I think he might be just a tad bored on a 10 hour trip! What do you think??? lol
Well that is all to report right now. I have a LOT of cleaning and things to do tonight. So I will get to reading and commenting on blogs later in the evening after the house is quiet and calm! :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
So here's the thing. I've never been asked to guest blog for anyone before and I'm suffering from a mild case of performance anxiety.
Ok, I lie. A huge case! GINORMOUS even. Cue the nightmares about standing naked in front of a classroom full of people. Normally, I have no problems being funny. I exude funny without even trying. But now I'm already on my second paragraph and not a drop of amusing anectode or a single sentence that will induce a genuine "LOL" situation.
Well, it's all downhill from here anyway so hold on to your toboggan and here we go!
I'm short.
Not midget short or anything but in bare feet I stand just a hair above 5ft even. It's ok most of the time...short is cute and cuddly right? I'm lower to the ground and closer to gravity so it helps with the balance problems. I don't ever have to worry about wearing sky-high heels (which I adore) and towering over the guy I'm with. People like to do me favors (aka patronize me) like reach for things and carry heavy objects (although I suspect that last one is because I'm also "little" which is not the same as being "short" and take full advantage of the fact that people think I'm weak). I fit in kid sized clothing, which may not be a big deal to you people but when you are into sports (football to be exact) the difference between fitting into a kid's medium jersy and a women's small is about $20 to $30 dollars...SCORE! But the best thing about being short is this...I am genetically predisposed to be a championship HIDE-and-SEEK player! SERIOUSLY! I fit into a LOT of places most people can't! For example:
1) An extra large Rubbermaid storage container:
2) A large Radioshack shopping bag...and yes, you can close it over my head.
3) Standard kitchen cupboards (the semi big ones that are usually found under the sink) as well as some of the medium ones found above the counter
4) Sports Duffel Bags:
5) Most ten gallon garbage bags and/or garbage cans
6) Wheeled suitcases
7) The compartments in the galley area of some 50ft boats.
8) The compartment you find in the back of smaller cars that...
You know...I don't really know you people reading this blog and I've just given an all inclusive list of places and things that can be conveniently used to store a cold dead body...MY cold dead body
*nervous giggle* I joked....haha, uhm...disregard the previous post. I'm really a 6'2 former defensive tackle named Grid-Iron uhm...stay away!
That was E from E*Deconstructed
This is my beautiful wife posing in her newest addition of collection of New England Patriots wear! Oh she LOVES her Patriots! Her aunt and uncle went to Massachusets a few months back and picked her up this hoodie and a pj set! She just fell in love with them! Her mom and I have her a New England Patriots watch and hat on the way for her birthday! So then she will be all set! lol Now if only I could find her boxers and a sports bra in New England Patriots wear we would be set and she would be in heaven !!!
I got tons of outfits! OMG! I think it completely replaced my existing wardrobe but no I don't have pictures of me to plaster up here! lol Though her aunt and mom did make me try on EVERY SINGLE outfit and model them so that they could inspect and make sure everything fit just right! lol Yea that is the point of the night where I looked at the wife and said.... "UMMMM I think it's time to go now!" But hey I survived!
And now it is Christmas day and I am doing what I do best.. NOTHING! The wife is asleep and I am up blogging away! It's about 1pm here in good old Ohio and we didn't eve get snow today. The wife has to work all night tonight and in the morning we leave for :
Yup we leave for good old Georgia in the morning! It should make for an interesting drive since the wife won't be coming home and sleeping.. She will be coming home packing her bad and we will be getting on the road! LOL!
Well I dont' have much more to add or input. I will blog for you all I'm sure over the weekend or later today! So signing off now,
So, after landing my new job as a Wal-Mart greeter, a good find for many retirees, I lasted less than a day...About two hours into my first day on the job a very loud, unattractive, mean-acting woman walked into the store with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. As I had been instructed, I said pleasantly, 'Good morning, and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?'The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say, 'Hell no, they ain't twins. The oldest one's 9, and the other one's 7. Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?'So I replied, 'I'm neither blind nor stupid, Ma'am, I just couldn't believe you got laid twice. Have a good day and thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.' My supervisor said I probably wasn't cut out for this line of work.
Now isn't that just freaking hiliarous??? OMG! I seriously had to run to the nearest sink and spit out my cherised Diet Pepsi to keep it from blowing out my nose!
So I leave you with this:
Gold Canyons FREE shipping and 20% off only lasts until the 17th. So use code DEC35 at checkout! My website is
Now go buy something from me already and quit making me beg! :)
Or if you want to be on my mailing list email me at sabrae_carter @ and leave me your name address and email address...some of you I already have that info on! And no don't worry, I don't have the time or the energy to stalk you! :)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Just in case you forgot... Check out Gold Canyon for all your candle, body, and home cleaning needs! is my link for some fun shopping!!!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Ok so off I go for the night... Be back tomorrow and up to speed on all your blogs!!!!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
See I told you it was a cute one! I know just look at me..or err the dog.... look at the dog! LOL! He was getting ready to go outside in the snow and cold to potty. This time of year it is hard to get pictures of the other two as they seem to duck and run when it's time to go outside. But not Clyde! lol He is ready... even giving me the nudge to get my butt out the door... lol Man now that I think about it... I can't believe I posted this picture of me and the dog! lol I look like crap... No make up and if I remember correctly I'm in my jammies at 6pm! lol Shows just how lazy we were today.
Well I can't think of anything else to really report on....or talk about at this moment in time... hmmmmmm NOPE nothing is coming to me...
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter
Duke is on the left! LOL! And you can see Daisy and her one eye on the right. They decided tonight that they didn't want to cuddle up with us on the couch and took to the laundry baskey full of clean clothes instead! Just had to share this amazingly cute picture with you! :)
So proud... Now I know there are some rules to this award....and I think that I have to find 7 others blogs that I love and tag them... That will come later as it is now midnight here in Ohio and I have some other things to report and a ton of emails to go thru since I was not online that much today... So you all should leave some comments or something proving to me that you deserve this award! LOL Just kidding... I have in mind the 7 people I will tag... But that will probably come tomorrow night when I'm up late and can't sleep like usual!
On another note we did a basket of laundry today...woooohooo one whole basket out of the 4 we have piled up! lol
But something kinda scary happened when we got home. Our poor little baby girl Daisy has had some eye thing going on and we have been keeping a close watch of it. Been wiping it down everyday with a warm washcloth. It seemed to be getting better...but for some reason today it was just really bad and to the point where she couldn't even open it! Well we get home let the dogs outside to do their business and poor daisy starts like dog yelling or dog crying...and scratching her eye and freaking out... So we started freaking out and called the vet and got her an emergency appointment.... Well turns out or baby somehow managed to perforate AND ulcerate her eyeball! So the vet gave us a pill to give her once a day and two different types of cream and told us that it could be 6 weeks before it heals properly! So the vet tells us to also make sure that she doesn't scratch at it anymore so that it doesn't get worse and for us to put something on her paws to ensure it! We also have to keep her away from the other two dogs to ensure that they don't scratch at it or make it worse as well. So we get her home from the vet wrap up her paws with gauze and tape and give her a pill as prescribed by the vet and some ointment and she just passes out.... All fine and dandy til she wakes up and pukes all over the couch! Well needless to say the wife almost got sick after the dog... So I had to clean it up! You should have seen it! The dog is puking and the wife is hanging over the kitchen sink just gagging! It was all kinda surreal and I just had to step back and thank my lucky starts that it doesn't bother me! So now the dog can't sleep in her crate for 6 weeks with her brother and he is going nuts in his cage becuz they have NEVER been separated! So I am awake watching Daisy like a hawk and listening to her poor brother whine becuz she is not in their crate with him!
Well that is my day in a nutshell!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter