Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Fun times and great oldies
But of course reality has to hit and I have to sludge my way back into work tonight! Gah....I wanna quit Waffle House so bad...Really wishing the website would be getting more hits and traffic soon! It would be nice! LOL But I'm plugging away at it day by day.
Also I'm in the process of writing a book. Yea, I got over my fear of doing it, and I'm going for it! Almost complete to! So we'll see.
Gotta take a nap before work, that's just a little update on how things have been.
Later Taters!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I'm just lonely
The friends I have here, well they have what I have back in Ohio. The friends they have had all of their lives. And it's hard to fit in with them. I mean they don't call, don't come to visit, we rarely ever hang out (mainly because I work all the damn time) They go out on the weekends (I'm at work) They hang out at the lake (I'm recovering from being at work) It just sucks. I miss my 3 best friends in the whole world. And honestly it sucks. Sara, Jody, Kim and I are all in different states now. Sara is the only one left in Ohio and she pretty much has moved on in her life with new friends. Kim is in Oregon with her new baby and fiancee, and Jody is in North Carolina married to another friend of mine with a baby and another on the way. I hate the way life has split us up. But I know that we all took different paths and it has worked out for us. But still, I would give anything to spend the day with all 3 of them.
I had a best friend when I moved here. But things happened (and not for the better) and I haven't really talked to her in months (up until a week ago)
I don't really know what I'm trying to say in this blog post. Maybe my head just needed some clearing out.
Later Taters
Friday, June 25, 2010
Check it out!
Summer Reading!
Also Just published a new Hub over at HubPages! It's quite funny! I think you should definatly read it! Click to see it!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I hate working...
In other news tho, we had some crazy kids come into the good old Waffle House last night! And I do believe that they actually scared some customers! HAHA. They played all the Waffle House songs on the Jukebox and I wanted to physically hurt them. Yes I hate the Waffle House songs on that dang old Jukebox! They drive me insane. Only because on the really busy nights at work people think it's funny to play them 100 times! Jokes on them though, behind the counter we really can't hear them! HAHA suckers!
So how is everyone's summer vacations going? Any plans or trips in the making?
Later Taters,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It's up and running
Other than enjoying my days off (which didn't go by so fast this time, and for that I'm grateful) I've been plugging away at my HubPages site writing articles and doing other odd and ends on the computer. I'm definatly gaining lots of traffic there and here at the blog so I'm excited!
But now it's time for me to get off the computer and head into my real world experience at work! Yup gotta go back tonight! Boooooooooooooo Hopefully (and I'm crossing every finger and toe here) this website will TAKE OFF and I won't have to go to work anymore! hehe Here's to wishful thinking!
Later Taters,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Building my website
Later Taters,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Enjoying life
It's hot as heck outside. We went on a "date" today. It was fun :) Went out to eat at a local place called the Davis House. I wasn't that impressed but I was with my hunny so it was all good. We also went bowling...Have I ever mentioned that I'm the worst bolwer in the world? Yup we played 3 games and I lost all 3!
Also I'm in the process of building a website. It's not turning out good at all! LOL I don't have the patience for it at the moment, so needless to say nothing on the website is getting done. And I'm wanting it to be like 2,000 pages! Yea a high standard I know! I think I need that book <------- LOL
My work with Google, Kontera and HubPages is going slow. Not really getting the results that I'd hoped for but I'm still pluggin away.
The wedding is coming up soon and I'm still at a loss as to what to do and who to marry us and getting a dress and all that fun stuff! I'm horrible at planning and preparing anything. Let alone a wedding! Gah this is stressful. And of corse stupid me told Tate that he didn't need to do anything but rent a tux and show up! lol HA The joke is on me! Well I have managed to get the location. We are having it at the ETC Pavillion, which I've heard is right on the Cartecay River and is really pretty. Yea needless to say I haven't seen the place yet!
Well that's all from me for now! Anyone have any good money making tips so I can quit my job PLEASE feel free to share! lol
Later Taters,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I'm expanding........
I'm opening up my horizons! Let me elaborate!
I started all my many many many blogs with the sense of making money with Google Adsense. Well I make mere cents a day with that and me working for someone else for the rest of my life is just not cutting it any longer! So I'm opening up into new fields!
Recently I've signed on with the Amazon Affilate program, it's only been two days and I've already had tons of traffic with my promotions on Twitter and Facebook.
I've also started writing articles in Hubpages. I do two articles everyday and they place Google Adsense around the articles you submit and I also get ranked HIGH in all the search engines with-in 48 hours which is also driving a ton of traffic to my blogs and hubs!
And more recently I've also signed on with Kontera. Which in it's own way is like Google Adsense. Just a different version.
And last but not least I've started on with ClickBank. That by far has proven the best. In the first couple of hours, yes I said hours, I made $41.00. It's easy!
Now I know the richness isn't going to happen overnight. But I'm hoping to soon have an amazing online money maker that I'm never going to have to work for anyone but myself again! lol It's a slow process, but I'm plugging away at it! And I dang sure won't give up!
Avatar (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) [Blu-ray]
Later Taters,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Have a Happy Period?
I mean really... who has a happy period? And if you do...what's the freaking secret!
I personally don't have a happy period...when that time of the month rolls around Happy does not describe me in any way!
Let's face it ladies, we are bloated, constipated, tired, cranky, moody, and above all else.....we are not HAPPY!
Hey this may be something you don't want to read...then again you are probably laughing your ass off.
But I'm not happy. This is the woman's curse. And a curse it is. Bleeding for 4-7 days straight, not being able to fit into my clothing, being tired and crank...well that's not my definition of being happy.
So I think Always, Kotex, Tampax and anyother "period product consumer" needs to shove it up their arse! We are not happy when this time comes around and I'm sure NEITHER ARE YOU!
Later Taters,
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Want to work from home?
Click Here!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Living my life day to day
Tomorrow tho is going to be a fun filled day! I get to go to White Water (a water park) with a few ladies from work. I'm excited about getting a "girls" day out! Should be interesting!
What is everyone doing for their summer?
Living my life day to day
Friday, June 11, 2010
Missing teen found alive in the Indian Ocean
I have to commend the young lady for keeping it together during this time. And also have to wonder if she will keep on with her quest. Though I have to ask: What are the parents of this young girl thinking!? I mean let's start with the fact that she is ONLY 16 years old! What parent in their right mind lets a 16 year old just journey out into the OCEAN alone! These parents need some serious counseling or something! I mean to let their daughter go out and risk her life like this is insane. Anything could happen to this girl out there. Storms or anything! Hence the rescue! Apparently where she is positioned the waves alone are 40ft!
And I'm not saying that her decision to do it is wrong in any way! But for her parents to LET her do it alone is another story all together! I commend her for following her dreams.
Let me know what you think about this young lady and her accomplishments thus far.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Working in Customer Service isn't for everyone!
For some reason I can't copy and paste my work I'll just link you to it! :) I think you might actually like what I've done on this one :) Have a wonderful day all!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
New computer
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yea that car. And yes I walked up to the man with the really nice car and told him that I would love to lick that car! lol He laughed so hard at me! :) Apparently this man lives near Ellijay or in Ellijay Ga. Because the girls said that he comes in like every morning on first shift. I'm sorry but we live in hillybilly podunk Ellijay......... Who lives in Ellijay and drives a car like that?
In other news we had dinner company tonight. It was nice. But she left pretty much as soon as she was done eating. I mean we try to reach out to her and it feels like she was just there out of obligation or something. Kinda rude. I mean I love the girl to death, but goodness!
I've decided to enjoy my 3 days off this week and I'm going to TRY and do NOTHING! Which I'm sure the man has other plans and will be waking me up every hour on the hour to go get something or to go do something. So I'm thinking I'm going to need plenty of rest this evening! :) Or else I might punch him.
Well that is an update. I'm sure I'll have some more for you all later :)
Later taters
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I've said this before...
We are a hillbilly, prodominatly white city. And to get to anyone's houses around here you literally have to drive IN THE MOUNTAINS, and just about everyone around here lives in a single wide or double wide trailer.
Now I don't know this man's story, or where he comes from etc. All I know is he is an older gentelman and was dressed VERY nicely and he drove a car that I swear I wanted to just lick and dry hump. (I've always loved Lambo's) And it looked something like this :
Now this is not the car, no I didn't go out to the parking lot and take pics of it. But this is the same color and all!
I just got to thinking to myself. I want the money and the ability to own one of these very nice very lickable cars!
Now does that make me a bad person to want to be filthy rich and do nothing with my time? Nah I don't think so. If anything it makes me want to work harder and smarter. But goodness I loved that car! :)
Later Taters :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Why did you start blogging?
Why did I start blogging?
Hmmmmm I can't even really remember how I came accross blogging. I know at the time I was a "housewife" with no kids and nothing to do with my time. I was home alone all night for 12 hours at a time and needed something other than MySpace and Facebook and housework to keep me occupied. I did the Twitter thing as well and was working with some home based hole in the wall companies that really weren't making me any money. I joined a bunch of Yahoo Groups and was just bored. I had a lot on my mind and a lot to say. And no one to say it to. And one day I just signed up and have been doing it ever since. At the time I had plenty of time on my hands to do it everyday (sometimes more than once a day) and to keep up with it. But then as most of you know things changed and I moved to Georgia. I kept up with it for probably the first month or so I was here. Then I did the whole "going to get a job" thing and just haven't really thought much about it.
Then one day out of the blue my friend Stephanie posted a comment and asked me if I ever "updated" this thing anymore. And actually I quiet miss blogging. I've plenty of funny stories about my job as a good ol Waffle House waitress and plenty of things to blog about. It's just wanting to and getting the effort up in the mornings to sit down and type them out. Cuz frankly I'm worn out when I get home. :)
So I guess the question I pass on to you is : Why did you start blogging?
I know also it has given me a chance to meet some really neat people in the blogging world. And I've also had fun reading about your lives. Makes mine seem like a walk in the sane park at times ;)
Well I worked all night last night and it was slow as heck. But nonetheless I'm worn out and tired. So until next time all.
Later Taters
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I've realized I'm selfish
Now I know all of us want this luxury. But really I want it. I'm gettin ready to drag myself into work as a waitress for the next 14 hours and will probably only make a few bucks and that will be gone shortly after bills, groceries, etc....
I want to be able to travel, buy things I want that cost money etc... Does that make me selfish? Probably...but oh well. Here goes another 14 hour day with nothing but sore feet and legs to show for it!
Later taters :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
So awesome!
September 15th is the big day! That's right I'm getting married! WOOT WOOT!!!
Oh today we went to Action Game exchange in Jasper because the man just HAD to have new video games and I didn't really feel like hearing him whine, So I crawled my butt outta the bed and took him. Came back to find my very first Google check in the mailbox! How awesome is that!?
Well I'm enjoying my last night off of work. Going to find something to occupy my time now. Maybe watch some 'Real Housewives of New York.'
Later taters :)