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Thursday, December 4, 2008


Busted Pictures, Images and Photos
Ok so it's 11:38pm and I'm still wide awake... BUSTED! Of course you knew I'd be here! lol Of course I can't resist blogging in the middle of the night! And yes I'm just waiting idly for the sleeping pills to take effect! BLAH!
The poor wife could barely keep her head up and eyes open during her favorite show tonight...but by goodness she made it .... LOL! Now she is passed out behind me! Ahh the joys of being able to just fall asleep... I really really wish I could!
So...lets see... interesting things that happened to me today??? Nope not a one! Tomorrow is going to be filled with online shopping to get some things taken care of and wooohooo laundry! We have tons of bedding and rugs and clothes to do.. so you know we will be there a while! Oh joy! We also have to go get dog food and other house hold necesseties... fun fun...
I am happy to report that Daisy our baby girl is doing much much better. We stuck her in her crate tonight with her brother and lets hope that she is ok in the morning.. if not she will be sleeping with us again and I will be kicked out of my side of the bed! lol (and for those of you that are just now for the first time reading this wonderful blog... Daisy is a dog ... not a child!)
Gosh that's all I need are people coming here for the first time thinking I stick my child in a crate! lol Man the explanation I would have to give for that! LOL! So I was surfing blogs last night! Came accross this one blog that was talking about the reality of pregnancy and child birth.. And I couldn't resist being a smart ass in the comment I left on the page... I also made my own warning label up for people who want to get pregnant and their significant others....But that is for another post on a day when I have nothing else to write about! lol Well not to much to report!
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter


Unknown said...

I never had the heart to crate my baby ginger...she would whine and cry and i would cave...

did i read that you are doing some online shopping? could that be for CHRISTMAS!!!! ;-)

Warped Mind of Ron said...

A child in a crate I can understand, but a puppy in a crate??? How horrible!!

Butch Boo said...

Middle of the night is always my fave blogging time.

When it's deadly quiet outside, the ripple of the river, odd fox squealing and the sound of thoughts resonating in my head.

Hope Daisy's good



LL Cool Joe said...

I'm trying to work out why is there a photo of someone locked up in jail!

You do a lot of laundry!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I'm a total night owl. I stay up as late as I can take it and still be able to function by 6:30 the next morning.

Legal Diva said...

Man, if anyone needs a warning on not having kids... just call my house around 4pm on a school day and hear the horrible screaming and whining...

aries28 said...

Night owls are the best! I am one and I can't help it. There are so many cool and twisted people doing the very same thing, so you are ok to stay up and let the interent blow your mind :0

Sparkling Red said...

I love my sleep. I need a minimum of 8 hours a night and I usually pass out as soon as I close my eyes. I had insomnia in the past. That's a special kind of torture that I don't miss.

That Janie Girl said...

Hope the Daisy girl is good!

Unknown said...

Wow!! You have been VERY busy since the last time I was able to comment. Congrats on your award! They are always fun to get and they make you feel even more loved.

Sometimes I blog in the wee morning hours... sometimes I just google myself.

Have a great weekend!

twinmamabee said...

Glad your puppy is doing better. We crated both our dogs when they were puppies and it really is the best thing for them. They learned to love their crates as their own little "dens".

Happy late night blogging, it is best. :)