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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Well I finsihed my book!

Only took me 3 days to read my book! Which for me is a long time to read a book! Yes I know, I love to read and it usually only takes me a day and a half at most to read a full novel. But with work and emails and just being plain lazy the last few days, it has taken me a bit longer than usual!

I started reading "The Starter Wife" by Gigi Levangie Grazer. Talk about a funny book! I'm sure some of you have seen the ads for it on TV as its coming out soon as a series with Debra Messing as the lead character.... Which is why I wanted to read the book before it comes out on TV. Mainly to get an idea of what to expect.

So I'm going to give you the run down.... Gracie is the main character in the book. She is dumped by her husband of almost 10 years! But yet she is a woman of determination and doesn't let it get her down! Funny thing of all is she falls in love with a homeless man! Yes a homeless man!!! Who turns out is extremely rich!!! I'm not very good at analyzing books at all or describing them. But I will be the first to tell you that it is a book worth reading! The wife just kinda looked at me funny when I first opened it and started reading! :O) She looked at me then the book and then back at me and just kinda shook her head.... then in her funny way states very non-chalantly "Well at least I picked a good one as my starter wife" I look up from the book and just give a blank expression. Then with all my wit say back "Well at least I picked a good second marriage!" She just laughed at me and went to the computer to play mobsters. Shut her up!

Yes I was (well still am) married before! As technically Amy and I are not really married! :O) I know I know confusing! I am married to a jack-ass man who refuses to divorce me! But that is another story all together! Amy and I just had a beautiful civial ceramony and to us (maybe not the world) it means we are married!

But that is way off the topic of my book reading! I suggest you should all go pick it up and read it!!! It's a wonderful book!!! As I have stated plenty thru this blog that probably doesn't make much sense!!! :O)
Signing off,
Sabrae Carter

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